We are one of many NeighborSpace community gardens that partnered with the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Budburst Program to bring milkweed, monarchs, and monitoring to Chicago families this past summer. The staff at Chicago Botanic Garden Budburst program are going to return for an end-of-season event to reconnect and share program summary data. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions of their team.
UPDATE – Sat, Nov 5, 7:30am:
Due to the severe wind warning today in Cook County we will not be able to safely hold the event outside in the Island Oasis Garden space. If it were just a bit of rain I would have kept the event but due to the safety risk I do not want to put others in danger. I would like to invite the Island Oasis attendees to the Virtual event Budburst will be holding tomorrow Nov 6 at 3:30pm with the Chicago Public Library participants. The content will be identical to what would have been done today. The meeting information is below. If it is better to hold a different virtual meeting that can also be arranged.
Thank you and my sincerest apologies for the day of change, but for safety reasons I do not see an alternative.
Zoom information:
Topic: CPL/Budburst M&M Final Event
Time: Nov 6, 2022 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 880 9783 4733
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