NeighborSpace community gardens are partnering with the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Budburst Program to bring milkweed, monarchs, and monitoring to Chicago families this summer. Several community gardens are hosting community garden workshop and planting days in early summer 2022. Please sign your family up to participate. Please choose the community garden/ open space closest to you or a garden that you already frequent.
*This project is a part of the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Budburst program.
*Participants will attend a community garden workshop, where the first part of the workshop will train participants on how to monitor monarchs on milkweed, using a specific phone app, called the Budburst app. (It’s a good idea to download this app in advance.)
*On the day of the workshop, participants will also help plant milkweed plants in the community garden (milkweeds will be planted in garden areas based both on recommendations from a horticulturist and with input from community garden leaders.)
*Participants will be invited back to monitor the monarchs over the summer- each family will receive a $25 gift card and a planting kit at the workshop as a thank you for future monitoring activities. (Participants should plan on monitoring as much or as little as their schedule and appetite allows. Once a week is a great goal, and the monitoring takes approximately 15-20 minutes.)
*We ask that participants sign up AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that appropriate materials can be prepared.
Complete this form to participate